Volvelle Inovasi SLE, The Fourth Edition of Eclipse Astronomical Instrument


Volvelle Inovasi SLE is the fourth development eclipse instrument from Volvelle Inovasi. The word SLE stands for Special Lunar Eclipse, which means this instrument is used specifically for calculating lunar eclipses. Created and developed in 2021 in a city in Indonesia.

Volvelle Inovasi SLE
Third Volvelle Development. They call it "Volvelle Inovasi SLE"

The owner of this Volvelle Inovasi is Ehsan Hidayat who is now domiciled in Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia. This Volvelle Inovasi SLE is specifically designed for calculating lunar eclipses. Using the "Zoom-In" development concept of the Volvelle Inovasi Basic (the First Volvelle he made). VIB itself is a development instrument from Philipe De La Hire's Volvelle which is used to calculate solar and lunar eclipses.

This Volvelle can be used from 1901 – 2100 AD.


This Volvelle Inovasi SLE is known as the development of the "Zoom-In" technique which is a breakthrough in itself. This technique is applied to take a closer look at the construction of an astronomical instrument in order to determine its area. To be clear, when Volvelle Inovasi Basic is viewed in the graphical application version and then zoomed in to a scale of 2000, actually there is still a very large area between the hourly scales. From this the fourth development idea emerged, namely by breaking down the VIB projections into their respective types. In this case, take the projection of the lunar eclipse only. This step was successful because it saw the results of the third development, namely Volvelle Inovasi SSE "Special Solar Eclipse".

Consists of 4 main components, namely calendar plate, F or moon plate, epoch plate and ruler.

First “ Calendar Plate ”
This VI SLE calendar is wider and longer than the previous edition of the Volvelle, so the clock scale can be loaded per 1 hour. This will also have an impact on the reading scale that reaches per 30 minutes. Apply the concept of "circle-spiral" construction, which is a combination of circles and spirals. This is different from VIB which uses a pure spiral algorithm so that it looks like a spiral.

It starts with January 1 and ends on December 32 (366 days). This figure (366) is intended for use in a leap year in which February has 29 days. So the order in the instrument is 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 = 365 days plus 1 day for solution for the occurrence of leap years. The color concept used is a combination of light and dark green which symbolizes valor.

When there is a leap year, then the use of the date after February 28 is subtracted 1. For example, there is an eclipse in 2004 on March 3, then the actual date is March 2 (3-1).

Second “ F or Moon Plate ”.
It is located above the calendar disc and is the core disc for the Volvelle Innovation series 1-3. This is because all component projection algorithms follow the rhythm of disk F. If disk F changes, then everything changes too. If it is narrowed, then everything becomes narrow and vice versa if it is widened (expanded), then everything becomes wide. This is where the fate of the calendar area is determined. Do you want to be detailed (hourly scale) or just as before (per day).

Third " Epoch Plate "
Contains data for the year and full moon in early January. Starting from 1901, 1905, 1909 to 2097. Each year's data can be used as a guide to get the next three years. Sample data for 1901 can be used as a reference to obtain data for 1902, 1903 and 1904. This multiple of four years describes the solar cycle.

Each data contains the value of the year, month, date, hour and minute of the full moon of January. For example the year 2021 contains the month values 50.37 degrees, k 260.5, date January 28 hours:minutes 07:35 GMT. This data will be used to track eclipses for that year.

Third disc in VI SLE. Using the same data as VIB and there is a reduction in HP data (market days). The spin-inspired construction, which has been used for a while, has even been applied to drones.

There are 14 holes full moon and 4 holes full moon complement. This is different from the full moon concept in VIB which only uses 13 full moons. Why is that??? First, these 14 full moon holes are used if the year in question has 13 new moons, so the data for the 14th full moon is used for the first full moon data for the following year. For your information, the concept of using Epoch VI SLE data is the same as VIB, which is 1 data for 4 years and is taken from the first short year (short - short - short - long).

4 holes full moon complement, is the author's breakthrough in terms of understanding the retrieval of F data and eclipse type data. Its position is on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th new moons. So that the full moon in that sequence has two circles with the same angle. How to use??? The full moon complement is used if the F data exceeds the number in the sap (trajectory). The first sample of sap starts from 0⁰-90⁰. It is known that the first full moon has F 31 data, then the second full moon is worth 61.67050 and the third full moon falls at 92.341 which means it has crossed the line limit. Then the hole used is the full moon complement, and others.

Fourth “ Ruler “
Used to transfer data from epoch to calendar plate. There is an inscription title “Volvelle Inovasi SLE” and “ Special Lunar Eclipse”.


Right choice. As the illustration that the author will convey. There are provisions on how the calendar space between Volvelle Philippe - VIB - VI SLE. Philippe applies a division plate with the concept that the angle of a circle is 360⁰, so the calendar that is formed is only one spiral and only contains a scale per 1 day. Volvelle Inovasi Basic uses an moon plate that applies the concept of an angle of a circle is 180⁰, so that to go to 360 degrees, then a second sap (trajectory) must be made. Thus the F VIB concept is 0⁰-180⁰ in the first sap, 181⁰-360⁰ in the second sap. With this concept there is an expansion of the calendar space into two spirals, so that it can load a scale of 2 hours. The Volvelle Inovasi SLE uses an F plate with the concept (development) of the angle of a circle being 90⁰, so that to go to the 360 ​​degree must use 4 sap (trajectory). 0⁰-90⁰ in the first sap, 91⁰-180⁰ in the second sap, 181⁰-270 in the third sap and 271⁰-360 in the fourth sap. What are the consequences? The calendar space expansion has doubled the VIB calendar space. So the VI SLE calendar has four spirals.

Thus, the VI SLE calendar space is 2x the VIB space and 4x the Philippe Volvelle space. Meanwhile, the VIB calendar room is 2x the Volvelle Philippe calendar space.

In simulating an eclipse. Volvelle Inovasi is supported by the existence of a curve. This has also been implemented in the Volvelle Philippe and VIB. But we can't say for sure whether this is a total, partial or penumbral eclipse. What is clear is that the ring eclipse simulation cannot be applied because it has entered the three-dimensional region. From here comes the feature to explain that this is a total, partial lunar eclipse, this must be checked again and this is a warning area.

This new feature the author calls "Eclipse Type Area". Consists of total eclipse, check I, partial eclipse, check II, penumbral and warning areas. This is a distinct advantage for VI SLE considering that to know the type of eclipse, you must at least know the gamma value and its magnitude. But here we can already find out through the representatives of the lunar disk. It's just that this feature works for 200 years as its epoch, which is from 1900-2100.


Is this fourth step of using Volvelle Development difficult? The answer is no. Just two steps to know eclipse in one year. It's just that we have to really understand the logic of taking moon data, because this is where the pressure comes in.

Follow the easy steps below:

1. Determine the year you want to predict the lunar eclipse
to see the year data, we can see it on the epoch disk or can download it via the link below:


The data obtained will be the value of f, year, k, date, hour and minute full moon

2. Align the Tab on the epoch plate to the f number on the moon plate.
This is the first rotary motion on the Volvelle Inovasi SLE. One more step left.

3. Point the previous two plates (moon plate and epoch) to the full moon date data on the calendar plate
This is the second rotary motion on the Volvelle Inovasi SLE and the setup process is complete. Next, observe the holes in the epoch plate.

4. Retrieve the date data on the calendar plate

5. Look at the hole circles on the epoch plate
If you see a red color in the hole circle above, then that is a sign of a lunar eclipse. Check the date data using the ruler. Align at the center of the circle and see the date data on the calendar plate.

6. See the type of eclipse detected on the lunar plate
This new feature of VI SLE can simulate the type of eclipse that will occur. If the ruler points to the Check I and II areas, it must be followed up with calculations. If the ruler falls in the warning area, the eclipse can be considered non-existent.

1. Year 2021. Value of f (50.37 degrees), date (28 January), Hours and minutes (07:35 GMT). Setting VI SLE like the previous guide. The result was the first lunar eclipse on May 26 at 10:31 GMT with an F value of 173 degrees. The second eclipse was on November 19 with an F value of 357 degrees.

2 Year 2077. Value of F (34.3 degrees), date (9 January), hours and minutes (11:36 GMT),. The Volvelle Inovasi SLE setting is like a guide. The result is the first lunar eclipse on June 6 03:16 GMT with its F value of 187.7. The second lunar eclipse will be on November 30 at 07:40 GMT with an F value of 11.7 degrees.

Those are the three main components of VI SLE. There are additions and there are also subtractions. Both have a supporting foundation. And so far, the author recommends VI SLE more than VIB. Although the components are simple, in essence the data needs are better. Starting from knowing the type of eclipse, the hour, minute, date and month of the eclipse.

In closing, there are at least three advantages possessed by Volvelle Inovasi SLE. The first is a large calendar space, the second is a helpful eclipse type area and the third is a simulation of a full moon or a large eclipse.

Download Volvelle Inovasi Thesis on this link


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